by Dave Kratz | Feb 7, 2019 | Consumers
Doing Business in Storm Territory? Security Film Can Protect Your Windows Having a successful business is about hard work and dedication. But location also plays a role. The area where a business is based can have a big impact on its success. Some businesses choose...
by Dave Kratz | Jan 30, 2019 | Consumers
Residential Heat Rejection Window Films for Fixer-Upper Homes No home is perfect – all of them could use a little work here or there, and most homeowners have ideas of how to improve their place of residence. But what about those homes that need a lot of fixing up? In...
by Dave Kratz | Jan 22, 2019 | Consumers
Huper Optik Commercial Film for Enterprise Locations Enterprise locations know all about success – to get to that level, a company has to be well-run machine with all its parts contributing to the performance of the whole. But having a whole network of locations can...
by Dave Kratz | Jan 14, 2019 | Consumers
Decorative Film Can Transform Your Home and Offer Superior Privacy For the average homeowner, there are plenty of considerations to be made when making a residential modification. Changing something, redoing something, adding something on, obviously most people...
by Dave Kratz | Jan 7, 2019 | Consumers
Ditching Ugly Reflective Film for Beautiful High-Performance Replacements From Huper Optik In a place with a warm climate, there are many perks to rattle off almost immediately. But the smoldering heat can also cause some problems. Sure, everyone likes a sunny day at...
by Dave Kratz | Dec 27, 2018 | Consumers
Using Residential Window Film for Heat Rejection, Energy Efficiency, and More When it comes to your home, there are a few things you may want to maintain. A cool climate is one, and the appearance of your furnishings is another. Sometimes during a sunny day, it is...