Hüper Optik USA film contributions to a facility seeking LEED
This is a 3rd party opinion which was prepared following dialog
with representatives of Hüper Optik USA and a further review of
their publicly available materials information and test data.
Initially when we review the aspirations of the LEED Ratings systems we find several aspects
that parallel or perhaps one could say are supported by the goals of Hüper Optik USA.
“The LEED rating systems aim to promote a transformation of the construction industry through strategies
designed to achieve seven goals:
·· To reverse contribution to global climate change
·· To enhance individual human health and well-being
·· To protect and restore water resources
·· To protect, enhance, and restore biodiversity and ecosystem services
·· To promote sustainable and regenerative material resources cycles
·· To build a greener economy
·· To enhance social equity, environmental justice, community health, and quality of life”1
Hüper Optik USA high performance window films contribute to …
·· reversing the contribution to global climate change in buildings using their films by reducing
their energy consumption. Over 100 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions (and
counting) have been reduced by the installation of approximately 2.5 million square feet of glass
in the Americas.
·· Enhancing individual human health and well-being in buildings using their films by rejecting
99.9% of the sun’s ultraviolet rays, reflecting the heat causing infrared energy, providing glare
reduction and modulating the interior glass temperature differential by up to a 23F degrees.
·· Promoting sustainable and regenerative material resources cycles via their dedicated use of
recycled and renewable resources.
·· building a greener economy via their Corporate Sustainability practices.
As you view this terse evaluation and opinion I must first state that I firmly believe in the
benefits of radiant barriers and radiant energy control products and their positive contributions to
energy conservation when properly used.
When we consider the applicability and contributions that Hüper Optik USA high performance
window films could potentially add to a facility being designed, constructed or updated to pursue
LEED Certification those considerations are many. Primarily this paper will reference a LEED
Credit Category and then make any reference to applicability of Hüper Optik USA high
performance window films contribute to the attainment of credits within that Credit Category.
We must remember that products cannot be LEED Certified and can only contribute to
successful certification efforts when the facilities construction and application conditions are
favorable to their application.
1 LEED Reference Guide for EB O+M v4; LEED Reference Guide for BD+C v4.
Hüper Optik USA film contributions to a facility seeking LEED Certification
LEED Location and Transportation Credit Category2
Hüper Optik USA high performance window films could provide a positive
contribution to the comfort of the vehicles used and their occupant’s comfort yet
this benefit has no way to quantify within the current structure of the various
LEED Rating Systems.
LEED Sustainable Sites Credit Category3
Hüper Optik USA high performance window films could provide a positive
contribution towards the Heat Island Reduction and Light Pollution Reduction
Credits within both the LEED v4 for New Construction and Major Renovation
and the LEED v4 for Operations & Maintenance: Existing Buildings rating
systems. Regarding Heat Island Reduction, re-reflecting of radiant infrared (IR)
and rejection of ultraviolet (UV) energy can be accomplished via the installation of a suitable
Hüper Optik USA high performance window films. By reducing IR radiant energy heat load into
the building and rejecting the damaging UV rays we are moving that energy back into the
atmosphere and not causing a heat island at the immediate building envelope. This energy
rejection in reducing heat island contributions can be hard to quantify in general terms yet a very
thorough energy modeling that has the ability to consider these positive effects can be calculated
and field tested to determine exact quantities. This benefit can be referenced as a contributor for
Innovation in Design or Operations.
When considering light pollution reduction Hüper Optik USA high performance window films
provide a shading factor that will mitigate the interior light appearances when viewed from the
exterior and serve to reduce the light transmission trespass over distances reducing lighting
levels at property limits. This light transmission reduction serves to increase night sky access as
well, although hard to quantify theoretically certainly when employing this technique in an
existing building before and after field measurements can be utilized to assist in the attainment of
the intent of these goals.
When considering Water Efficiency initially there would seem to be no
correlation between water consumption and Hüper Optik USA high
performance window films yet the determining factor would be if water is used
2 LEED Reference Guide for EB O+M v4; LEED Reference Guide for BD+C v4.
Logos used following the trademark guidelines provided by USGBC and available publicly at usgbc,org,
3 LEED Reference Guide for EB O+M v4; LEED Reference Guide for BD+C v4.
Logos used following the trademark guidelines provided by USGBC and available publicly at usgbc,org,
4 LEED Reference Guide for EB O+M v4; LEED Reference Guide for BD+C v4.
Logos used following the trademark guidelines provided by USGBC and available publicly at usgbc,org,
Hüper Optik USA film contributions to a facility seeking LEED Certification
for the cooling systems of a facility. If the facility has cooling towers that depend on water then
the contributory positive correlation to water efficiency and consumption related to cooling
demand can be made. Consider that Hüper Optik USA high performance window films help
reduce the external energy load transmitted through the glazing system thus reducing the overall
energy required to cool or heat a building depending on the climatic location of the facility. The
application of Hüper Optik USA high performance window films can reduce the interior surface
temperature of an insulated glazing unit by 13 degrees Celsius or approximately 23.4 degrees
Fahrenheit. This internal surface temperature reduction as compared to an untreated insulated
glazing unit correlates to a reduction in the solar IR and UV energy intrusion into the building
and will consequentially reduce the cooling demand in a hot climate. Many factors will
additionally affect the quantity of water consumed within a building’s HVAC system’s cooling
towers yet the application of Hüper Optik USA high performance window films will provide a
measureable differential and a reduction in required resources as compared to the equivalent
building without some radiant energy reduction technology utilized. The theoretically or
proposed water reductions are very difficult to quantify yet certainly when benchmarking an
existing building before and after field measurements can be utilized to determine the
contributions that process water use reduction can make to the attainment of the overall water
reduction goals.
LEED Energy And Atmosphere Credit Category5
“Hüper Optik USA was founded in 1998, out of a need to provide an energy
saving technology that would protect consumers from harmful UV rays, and
provide a green solution for energy savings.” This quote best aligns with the
LEED goal “… to reverse contribution to global climate change” which is
dependent on a reduction where possible of the use of combustion and fossil
fuels and their inherent negative impacts from overuse.
Hüper Optik USA high performance window films will provide a positive contribution within
this LEED Category since their products primary goals are to provide measurable energy saving
technology which typically has an ROI of less than 5 years.
Energy modeling that is used typically to evaluate energy reduction strategies for a new building
differs from the benchmarking exercise that is performed on an existing building. Both practices
are evaluating the effectiveness of the building’s envelope for a given orientation as well as the
potential performance gains that can be accomplished by changes to the building envelope in the
energy model and energy audit processes. Fenestration selections are conventionally made using
simply economic factors which is why we have so many energy inefficient buildings. The
differential costs as well as the ROI between inefficient window replacements versus the great
performance gain can be had by the application of optic films to an existing window assembly is
substantially favoring the film with a cost of one tenth as compared to replacements. When
considering the aesthetics and performance desires of the glazing system in the new building
there’s still a potential to utilize optic films in that application as well yielding an exterior glazing
appearance with desired reflectivity and color and yet have the additional radiant energy
5 LEED Reference Guide for EB O+M v4; LEED Reference Guide for BD+C v4.
Logos used following the trademark guidelines provided by USGBC and available publicly at usgbc,org,
Hüper Optik USA film contributions to a facility seeking LEED Certification
performance affected by utilizing film in this type of application. The building’s specific energy
performance improvement will vary depending on the amount of glazed area in the facility and
the type of film used in its application and can certainly exceed a 40 percent reduction of the
energy load at the glazing system.
Hüper Optik USA high performance window films help reduce the external energy load
transmitted through the glazing system thus reducing the overall energy required to cool or heat a
building depending on the climatic location of the facility. The application of Hüper Optik USA
high performance window films can reduce the interior surface temperature of an insulated
glazing unit by 13 degrees Celsius or approximately 23.4 degrees Fahrenheit. This internal
surface temperature reduction as compared to an untreated insulated glazing unit correlates to a
reduction in the solar IR and UV energy intrusion into the building and will consequentially
reduce the cooling demand in a hot climate. Many factors will additionally affect the quantity of
energy consumed within a building’s HVAC system’s components yet the application of Hüper
Optik USA high performance window films will provide a measureable differential and a
reduction in required resources as compared to the equivalent building without some radiant
energy reduction technology utilized. The theoretically or proposed energy use reductions are
very difficult to quantify yet certainly when benchmarking an existing building before and after
field measurements can be utilized to determine the contributions that an energy reduction
component can contribute to the attainment of the overall energy use reduction goals.
LEED Material Resources Credit Category6
Hüper Optik USA high performance window films provide a positive
contribution to reducing the need or desire to replace perfectly good glazings
that are poor performers that keep these glazings from impacting landfill
contributions. Further due to the film’s ability to reject 99.9% of UV Rays there
is an inherent protection of the interiors from infrared damage and premature
aging increasing thus the usable life of all exposed interior products and finishes.
When considering materials and resources credits in new buildings certainly a very efficient
material is desired, yet Hüper Optik USA high performance window films have a large quantity
of recycled content within their films which could contribute to gaining that credit in a newly
constructed building. Further within LEED v4 material disclosure and life cycle assessment is
largely dependent on a manufacture sharing that data with the LEED project team this is
something that Hüper Optik USA is actually proud of, they enjoy disclosing qualities, contents
and characteristics of their materials used. Within the Existing Building Purchasing and
Maintenance and Renovation policies is the opportunity to add products such as Hüper Optik
USA films with their substantial benefits and further contributions to waste management policies
considering the ability for the product to be recycled at the end of its exceedingly long service
life as compared to other applied window products.
6 LEED Reference Guide for EB O+M v4; LEED Reference Guide for BD+C v4.
Logos used following the trademark guidelines provided by USGBC and available publicly at usgbc,org,
Hüper Optik USA film contributions to a facility seeking LEED Certification
LEED Interior Environmental Quality Credit Category7
When we consider indoor environmental quality and the factors that affect
systems performance, comfort, acoustics and air quality Hüper Optik USA high
performance window films can enhance those indoor air quality strategies. As
previously provided Hüper Optik USA high performance window films have
superior thermal decoupling properties for enhanced thermal comfort reducing
drafty feel caused by convection adjacent to the windows. Other beneficial properties beyond
modulating the temperature adjacent to the windows include assisting with interior lighting and
daylighting strategies as well as reducing glare thus increasing the occupants comfort the quality
of life. Again, although Hüper Optik USA high performance window films benefit all of these
mentioned scenarios it is difficult to quantify the exact number of points you could influence by
implementing the product. Suffice it to say it is a very useful strategy to increase the comfort of a
building’s occupants in a new or existing building application as a consequence of outstanding
energy performance improvements. Within LEED v4 Acoustic Performance has now become a
credit earning consideration and the application of Hüper Optik USA high performance window
films will inevitably contribute positively in this regard due to its sound dampening qualities that
become obvious during the field measurements during acoustic STC performance testing when
pursuing the respective credits.
LEED Innovation (ID-EP-IO) Credit Category8
Facilities that utilize Hüper Optik USA high performance window films should
pursue an Innovation Credit for the positive contributions the use of this product
will always have.
When we consider innovation credits one of the great things that Hüper Optik
USA high performance window films contribute to an innovation especially in
an existing building is drastically increasing the energy performance of a building’s envelope by
its application. Additional qualities that can be addressed include glare reduction in daylighting
strategies and further increasing the occupants comfort via acoustic performance where the intent
is to provide work spaces and classrooms to promote occupants well-being productivity and
communications through effective acoustic design. Utilizing Hüper Optik USA high
performance window films as cost benefit scenario strategy is certainly grounds for somebody to
start pursuing an innovation credit for its use and application.
In order to qualify for an Innovation Credit we have to achieve a significant measurable
environmental performance using a strategy not addressed with in the respective LEED Green
Building rating system. Further to be successful one has to “identify the following:
·· the intent of the proposed innovation credit;
·· proposed requirements for compliance;
·· proposed submittals to demonstrate compliance; and
·· the design approach or strategies used to meet the requirements.”
7 LEED Reference Guide for EB O+M v4; LEED Reference Guide for BD+C v4.
Logos used following the trademark guidelines provided by USGBC and available publicly at usgbc,org,
8 LEED Reference Guide for EB O+M v4; LEED Reference Guide for BD+C v4.
Logos used following the trademark guidelines provided by USGBC and available publicly at usgbc,org,
Hüper Optik USA film contributions to a facility seeking LEED Certification
All of this respective information should be readily available by working with one of your
technical experts at Hüper Optik USA potentially, the installation firm may have the expertise to
provide the assistance required. Additionally Exemplary Performance in some of the energy
conserving categories and credits within the LEED rating system may be aided via the
implementation of Hüper Optik USA high performance window films. Of very specific note,
“No strategy can achieve more than 1 point under Innovation.” So do consider where the most
benefit can be attained.
LEED Regional Priority Credit Category9
Regional Priority Credits are specific place based solutions that strategically
address some environmental issues particular to a specific locale. These credits
provide additional acknowledgement to project teams that work hard to address
these issues of specific priority for each of 6 identified regional priority credits
available for every location and respective rating system. The issues could be
naturally occurring or manmade or affect environmental concerns typically that we have a
concern for. Most areas within the Americas struggle with energy independence and resiliency.
Hüper Optik USA high performance window films will provide a positive contribution may
Regional Priority Credit threshold attainment.
One could make outrageous claims that a specific product automatically gets an applicant LEED
Points towards LEED Certification yet any claim of the sort is simply not true and not applicable
to every project seeking LEED Certification. LEED Certification is a complex process where
many factors are evaluated and contribute to the success of a project seeking certification. The
purpose of this assessment is to provider the reader with a terse assessment of the LEED Credit
Catagories that can be positively affected via the installation of Hüper Optik USA high
performance window films.
Hüper Optik USA was founded in 1998, out of a need to provide an energy saving technology that would
protect consumers from harmful UV rays, and provide a green solution for energy savings.
Hüper Optik USA is committed to maintaining a reduced carbon footprint through advocacy, education,
recycling within all internal and business processes, dedicated use of recycled and renewable resources,
and through the selection of external vendors and partners. Sustainability is not a separate program or
policy, but is an adopted mindset for all employees, partners, and authorized dealers of Hüper Optik.
Daniel A. Huard, PMP, LFA, LEED AP O+M~BD+C the author of this assessment is Principal of
Greenview Global, LLC a Global Sustainability and Green Building Consulting firm. The author is not
an employee or shareholder of Hüper Optik USA
9 LEED Reference Guide for EB O+M v4; LEED Reference Guide for BD+C v4.
Logos used following the trademark guidelines provided by USGBC and available publicly at usgbc,org,
Hüper Optik USA film contributions to a facility seeking LEED Certification